Border adjacent to water bodies

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  7. Border adjacent to water bodies


Transport of fertilizers, grass clippings and lawn chemicals to water bodies during rain or irrigation can cause pollution from nutrients and suspended solids. The creation of a landscape buffer reduces the likelihood that pollutants will enter a water body.

Requirements and certification

A minimum 10-foot-wide border of unirrigated, site-appropriate plants is created parallel to the shoreline/seawall.

Silver Gold Commercial/Institutional
NA Up to 10 points NA

The Inspector will visually inspect this area and use the waterwise plant database to confirm plant suitability. Pictures must be submitted as documentation. The Inspector awards points based on the percentage of the waterfront portion of the property that has the 10-foot buffer.

Program tip

More information specific to this practice is available on the website of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the University of Florida:

Aerial Map of buffer zone
Source for illustrations: Southwest Florida Water Management District
Map of buffer zone
Source for illustrations: Southwest Florida Water Management District